4 Foods That Promote Collagen Production

Have you ever thought about taking a collagen supplement? In this article, we will reveal some facts about foods that promote collagen production.
4 Foods That Promote Collagen Production

While it is true that there are several nutritional supplements that provide the body with vitamins, minerals and proteins, collagen is usually one of the most notable supplements on the market. However, it is not always necessary to rely on supplements to boost the production of collagen or other substances in the body.

This is because collagen is one of the most important elements of the human body. When you feed yourself properly, collagen production is constant and the body also makes the right amounts. 

If you follow a bad diet or eat the same things all the time, the body will not make enough collagen. In general, this makes you look a lot less vibrant. For example, your hair will look duller and fine lines will be more visible.

In these cases, it is usually recommended to take a supplement that stimulates collagen production.

You can find collagen in powder or capsule form at pharmacies or some drug stores.

The other alternative is to consume foods that promote collagen production. This is not only easier, but also a more direct way to get this element in.

The benefits of consuming more collagen

  • A reduced risk of bone diseases. Consuming foods that promote collagen production decreases the chances of developing bone conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis.
  • Fast healing of wounds. Collagen contributes to the regeneration of cells.
    • A lack of collagen results in open wounds that heal more slowly and more visible scars.
  • Stronger joints. Our joints are made up almost entirely of collagen. Over the years, they can lose mass and cause problems, such as knee pain.
    • Consuming collagen helps restore the mass of joints that has been worn away.
  • Vibrance and elasticity. Collagen also ensures that the skin remains elastic, both on the face and on the body.
    • Therefore, if you are bothered by your wrinkles, try to consume foods that promote collagen production.
    • You could also benefit from making some nourishing face masks made from these foods.

Foods That Promote Collagen Production

1. Red Peppers

Red bell pepper promotes collagen production

Vitamin C is crucial for collagen production and red bell pepper is one of the best sources of this vitamin. When your diet is low in vitamin C, your body cannot synthesize this element correctly.

In addition, it is a versatile vegetable that you can easily include in your diet. You can even add red peppers to smoothies, or simply use them in a salad or consume them as a raw snack between meals.

Red peppers are delicious as an appetizer. Instead of consuming fried foods, you can simply cut a red parika into strips and serve it with a dipping sauce on the side. Paprika, for example, goes perfectly with guacamole.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes also promote collagen production, thanks to the fact that they are rich in lycopene. Overall, they are perfect for combating skin damage from environmental exposure, UV rays and pollution.

You can consume tomatoes any way you want. However, it is best to eat them raw. In this case, the lycopene content is best left intact. If you don’t like raw tomatoes in general, try this recipe:

tomato gratin

This dish is perfect as a light dinner because it is very easy to prepare and contains only few calories.


  • 1 ripe tomato
  • pinch of garlic salt
  • pinch of dried basil
  • 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese (30 g)


  • Preheat the oven to 150 degrees.
  • Slice the tomato and then use the slices to line a dish.
  • Then sprinkle the cheese, garlic salt and basil over the tomatoes.
  • Place the dish in the oven and lower the temperature to 80 degrees.
  • Bake until the cheese has melted and your dish is ready to serve.

3. Salmon

Salmon promotes collagen production

Salmon is known for being rich in fats that are beneficial to the heart. In addition, it also improves collagen production. The omega-3 fatty acids fight inflammation and prevent the breakdown of collagen caused by environmental factors.

If you expose yourself to the sun’s rays too often, we recommend eating salmon at least once a week.

Due to the taste of this fish, you do not need any special tricks to prepare it.

  • For example, try a piece of salmon in combination with basil and a little salt.
  • Then fry the fish in a non-stick pan.
  • You can also swap the basil for garlic salt, ginger, or regular lemon juice.

4. Turkey

The natural production of collagen depends to a large extent on several essential amino acids.  And the best source of these amino acids is animal protein, such as the protein in turkey.

Turkey meat contains proline, glycine and lysine. Lysine helps to synthesize a good amount of good quality collagen.

We recommend eating turkey at least twice a week. Pair it with a healthy serving of green vegetables, half a red bell pepper, and a sliced ​​tomato to boost collagen production even more and get the most out of it.

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