3 Healthy Smoothies For Weight Loss

Do you want to lose weight in a healthy way? Yes that is possible! You just have to pay attention that you get the right nutrients and make sure that your diet is varied and contains vitamins, proteins, fiber and the necessary minerals that you need every day, without anything missing.
3 healthy smoothies to lose weight

Natural juices and healthy  smoothies are a great way to combine different foods that will help you burn fat little by little. We explain how this works with three recipes for delicious and healthy smoothies.

Healthy smoothies for weight loss

1. Pineapple and Aloe Vera Smoothie

Healthy smoothies for weight loss such as pineapple and aloe vera

This is one of the most popular healthy smoothies for weight loss. You are probably familiar with the good properties of pineapple:  it is laxative, purifying, disinfecting, rejuvenating and rich in antioxidants.

When you combine it with the fantastic properties of aloe vera, it also becomes moisturizing, cleansing and detoxifying. It takes care of your digestion and intestinal function by eliminating toxins and unnecessary fats.

How do you drink it?

  • It’s very easy. This diet, because it is detoxifying, is very easy to follow for five days in a row, twice a month. As a result, you will expel toxins and harmful fats from your body. During these five days you base your meals on salads, whole wheat bread, fruit and vegetables. For this reason, start the day by drinking two glasses of pineapple juice with breakfast.
  • After your two main meals – lunch and dinner – drink a glass of aloe vera. How do you make this? It’s very easy, you’ll see. Just cut off an aloe vera leaf. It must be a thick sheet. Remove the thorns, open it and keep the white, juicy part in the center. This is the part that is the most gelatinous. Put it in the blender and then add a glass of juice, such as pineapple juice or apple juice for example. This way it tastes better and it is easier to get the aloe vera.

2. Green smoothie

Healthy smoothies for weight loss like green smoothies

A green smoothie? It’s green, delicious, healthy and a good way to burn calories and fat. You may be wondering what’s in it. This delicious smoothie contains parsley, lemon, celery, spinach, ginger, cucumber and apple. These products contain a lot of vitamin C, B6, fiber, folic acid, omega 3 and antioxidants. This can not be missed!

You drink it for breakfast for ten days. Then you rest for twenty days. It’s that easy.

How do you drink it?

  • As we mentioned before, this smoothie is most effective if you drink it in the morning for ten days.  It’s very easy to make. Prepare all of the following ingredients: juice of one lemon, three sprigs of parsley, a stalk of celery, three spinach leaves, a teaspoon of ground ginger, half a cucumber, and one seedless, peeled apple.
  • Then put all the ingredients in the blender and try to make a well-mixed juice. Adding half a glass of water makes it easier. And it tastes delicious! You will start the day with a lot of energy and you will not feel the need to snack between meals. After ten days you have burned the superfluous fats and cleaned your body. Make sure that during these ten days you do not eat any food that contains a lot of fat, sugars or refined flour and do not drink drinks with a lot of sugars.

3. Grapefruit and Pear Smoothie

Healthy smoothies for weight loss such as grapefruit and pear

We all know the healthy properties of pears. Some know it as a fruit with many medicinal properties and know that, according to several studies, it is very effective for weight loss. 

It contains a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and few calories. If you also add grapefruit to it, this juice also becomes very suitable for burning fat and getting many nutrients. You don’t want to miss out on this smoothie, do you?

How do you drink it?

Drink this smoothie for breakfast for ten days. Like the green smoothie above, here too, you need to rest for twenty days before starting again. You will soon notice how effective it is.

If you’re making it, use a medium-sized pear with no pits. Then you squeeze a grapefruit and put the juice together with the pear in a blender. It is important that you mix them well so that the pear releases all the juices and thus adds all the good qualities to the drink. You can also add half a glass of fresh water. Drink it for breakfast.

You can choose any of these three healthy smoothies. It depends on what you like best or which ingredients are easiest to find.

Make sure you are consistent and consume these juices with a balanced, varied diet that is low in fat and exercise every day. You can walk for an hour every day, for example. It’s not difficult at all!

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