10 Things In Your House That You Don’t Clean Enough

If there are things in your house that you don’t clean properly or often enough, this bad habit can help bacteria multiply. Learn more about it in this article!
10 things in your house you don't clean enough

Maintaining proper hygiene in your home doesn’t necessarily mean everything shines. However, if you don’t clean enough in some key areas, bacteria is likely to spread. Read the following list to see if you’re cleaning your home properly.

Do you clean these 10 corners of your house enough?

Glove and cleaning cloth

You have to pay close attention when cleaning your house, from the corners to the least noticeable objects. Before we begin, it is important to say that many different bacteria live in homes.

In fact, there are probably millions of those little pests that live with people in your home on a daily basis. While not all of them pose a threat, it’s nice to maintain some basic hygiene to prevent overgrowth. Where are they hiding? Well, they can certainly be found in these places.

Things to clean

  • Scouring Pads and Sponges: Don’t turn your scouring pad inside out too much to try and make it last several weeks. This product that is always moist is a potential habitat for a large number of germs. You should therefore throw it away after a short time and use a new one. Regular disinfection is also a good option.
  • Shower Curtains: Ideally, you should clean your shower curtains every 15 days. Since it can be a very tedious job, it is best to throw them in the washing machine with lukewarm water and some towels. Baking soda and vinegar are perfect for removing mold.
  • Toilet: While it may surprise you, your computer and other devices can be even more polluted than your toilet. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t clean your toilet properly every seven days. Here’s a tip: When you flush, lower the lid so nothing splashes out.
  • Towels: To know if you’re cleaning the corners of your house enough, ask yourself when you last washed the towels. Like clothes or sheets, dead cells cling to towels, which means an open field for bacteria and germs. For this reason, it is better not to use them for more than three days.
  • Other bathroom objects: It may seem superfluous to emphasize that you have to clean every part of your bathroom. However, start with the tiles. If you dry them every time you shower, less dirt will build up. You should also rinse the soap holders, glass and mirrors and generally all surfaces.

Other elements and areas for special cleaning

Vacuuming clothes
  • Sheets: Although you shower or bathe every day, do not use the same sheets for more than a week. You should keep in mind that dead skin cells are rubbed onto your sheets every night. You can vacuum them every day, but if you put them in the washing machine with warm water and detergent, a good cleaning is guaranteed.
  • Floors: your floor cleaning is relative. Different rooms see more and less traffic during the day, you may have pets that shed and there may be rainy and wet days that pollute your floors more, etc. In common areas, you should not spend more than a week on a deep cleaning of your floors to wait.
  • Doorknobs and Keys: It’s not good to think too much about the number of bacteria that can be on these common household items. If you don’t clean them enough, we can assure you that several colonies of germs will camp out. A powerful disinfectant is isopropyl alcohol.
  • Computer, mouse, remote control, cell phone: At this point in the article, you’ll understand that wherever you place your hands, you could leave bacteria, germs, or fungi behind or, worse, pick them up. Finally, we also recommend using alcohol to clean these items at least once a week.

Finally, remember that furniture, carpets and upholstery also need frequent vacuuming. While it would be excessive to clean every day, it is true that not cleaning enough will open the door for bacteria and germs. Cleaning once a week is a good goal.

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