10 Riddles That Will Test Your Brain

Can you solve these 10 riddles? Challenge your own mind and impress your friends.
10 riddles that will test your brain

There is nothing quite like solving riddles to train your brain and keep it active.

Try out these brain games to get your brain moving. They make you think a little more while having fun too.

In addition, they help test your ability to reason logically. Can you solve them? Discover it now!

Riddle 1

John’s father tells his son that he will give him two bills. “These notes are worth fifteen euros together, but one of them is not a five-euro note.”

Piggy bank smashed with a hammer

Which notes does John get?

Riddle 2

On what day do cheaters and counterfeiters talk less?

Puzzle 3

Hans gets up in the morning and discovers that the light in his room is not working.

He opens a drawer with gloves. There are ten black gloves and ten dark blue gloves in the drawer. How many gloves does he need to take to make sure he has a pair of gloves in one color?

Puzzle 4

How many times can you subtract the number 1 from 1111?

Puzzle 5

Child with his father

Two people are on their way in a car. The youngest person is the oldest person’s daughter, but the oldest person is not her father. Who is it?

Puzzle 6

In a race, a runner passes the person who is running in second place. What position is he in?

Riddle 7

How can someone who falls from a 50-storey building survive?

Man falls from 50-storey building

Puzzle 8

A woman buys a parrot in a pet store. The seller promises that he is able to repeat everything he hears. After a week, the woman returns the animal. It didn’t make any sound, although she spoke to him continuously.

However, the seller has not cheated her. What’s up with that?

Riddle 9

You are driving a bus. There are 18 people on the bus.

At the next stop, 5 get out and 13 get in. When you get to the next stop, 21 get off and 4 people get on.

What is the color of the driver’s eyes?

Puzzle 10

A farmer has 10 rabbits, 20 horses and 40 pigs. If we call the pigs ‘horses’, how many horses does the farmer have?

Wall painting of boy with magnifying glass

Were these riddles difficult for you? Easy? How many do you think you got right?

Below we show the solutions so you can see how well you did.


  •  1: a 5 and a 10 euro note. His father said that one note was not 5 euros, but the other note is.
  • 2: On the last day of autumn, because that is the day of the year with the fewest hours.
  • 3: Eleven. Even in the worst-case scenario, he has at least one pair of gloves in one color.
  • 4: Only once. Then you subtract it from 1110, 1109, 1108….
  • 5: Her mother.
  • 6: In second position.
  • 7: By falling from the first floor. The question does not specify where the person fell.
  • 8: The parrot is deaf.
  • 9: What is the color of your eyes?
  • 10: He still has 20. Renaming animals doesn’t turn them into horses.
Man draws brain

Riddles are fantastic!

You solve riddles with lateral reasoning. This kind of reasoning consists of solving problems in a creative way. This was defined by Edward de Bono in 1967.

Over the centuries, various puzzles have been designed that resemble traditional problems, but in reality they test the logical principles and cognitive skills of the person trying to solve the puzzle. They exercise their brains.

Lateral reasoning refers to a process other than the usual. Most people are used to linear or direct reasoning.

In the traditional way of reasoning, you move step by step in a logical pattern to the next step. With lateral reasoning you consciously leave that process. You force yourself to push aside certain limitations. This forces you to solve the problem before you in a different way.

Ultimately, it trains your brain to handle tasks that are different from how you normally do. This is why puzzles are ideal for training your brain. And it also has positive consequences for your health in one effort .

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